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Acetone, OmniSolv

Acetone, OmniSolvÃÃÃî
Price: From $115.50 to $693.00
Manufacturer: EMD Millipore Chemicals

Product Options


Acetone, OmniSolv®

Suitable for Oil & Grease work due to the less than 1 mg/L (.0001%) residual after evaporation.
Container: 1L & 4L Glass Bottle
Hazardous Material
COA on Label
Product information
Synonyms Dimethyl Ketone
Chemical formula   CH3COCH3
Molar mass 58.08
Storage Room Temperature
CAS number 67-64-1
Chemical and physical data
Merck USA index   13 67
Molar mass 58.08
Assay (GC, corrected for water content)
99.5% min
Capillary ECD responsive substances (as PCNB) 
2ng/L max
Capillary FID responsive substances (as decane)
3µg/L max
Color (APHA)
10 max
Residue after evaporation
1ppm max or .0001%
Filtered through 0.2 µm filter
To pass test
Fluorescence (as quinine base)
1.0ppb max
Infrared spectrum
To Pass Test
Titrable acid
0.3µeq/g max
UV Abs. at 329 nm
1.00AU max
UV Abs. at 330 nm
0.80AU max
UV Abs. at 335 nm
0.30AU max
UV Abs. at 340 nm
0.06AU max
UV Abs. at 350 nm
0.005AU max
UV Abs. at 400 nm
0.005AU max
UV Cut-off
329nm max
Water (H2O)
0.5% max

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