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Ethyl Ether, OmniSolv

Ethyl Ether, OmniSolvÃÃÃî
Price: From $303.54 to $1,214.16
Manufacturer: EMD Millipore Chemicals

Product Options


Ethyl Ether, Omnisolv®

Container: 4L Glass Bottle
Hazardous Material
COA on Label

MSDS Link:

Product information
SynonymsDiethyl Ether, Ether
Chemical formula    (CH3CH2)2O
Molar mass74.12
Storage+2°C to +25°C
CAS number60-29-7
CommentsUnstabilized/Expiration Dated
Chemical and physical data
Merck USA index13 3840
Molar mass74.12
Expiration dateExp 12 months from mfg date
Assay (GC)99.9% min
AppearanceClear, free from particulates
Capillary ECD responsive substances (as PCNB)10ng/L max
Color (APHA)10 max
Filtered for particulate matterTo pass test
FormClear liquid
Peroxide (as H2O2)*1ppm max
Refractive index (n 20/D)1.3471-1.3571
Residue after evaporation1.0ppm max
UV Abs. at 212 nm1.000AU max
UV Abs. at 250 nm0.080AU max
UV Abs. at 275 nm0.010AU max
UV Abs. at 300 nm0.005AU max
UV Abs. at 400 nm0.005AU max
UV Cut-off212nm max
Water (H2O)0.030% max

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