High Purity Acids
Critical trace metal analysis requires careful sample preparation. To assist you with trace element analysis procedures, Laboratory Sales & Service offers a full range of high purity acids. Choose between ACS, Low Metals, TraceMetal and UltraTrace Metal Acids to fit your budget and needs. Available in either Parts Per Billion (PPB) or Parts Per Trillion (PPT)
ACS Reagent Acids- These have detection limits in the PPM to PPB range . Good for general Lab procedures & AAS
Low Metals Acids - These have detection limits between 1.0 - 50 PPB. Good for ICP-OES, Flame Atomic Absorption (FAA) & Wet Chemistry
TraceMetals Acids - These have detection limits between 0.1 - 1.0 PPB. Good for ICP-OES & Graphite Furnaces that require very low PPB results
Ultra TraceMetals Acids - These have detection limits between 1.0 - 20 PPT, Good for ICP-OES, ICP-MS & Graphite Furnaces low PPT results
Detection Limits between PPM-PPB
Detection Limits between 1-50 PPB Up to 35 Elements Tested
Detection Limits between 0.1-1.0 PPB Up to 65 Elements Tested
Detection Limits between 1-20 PPT Up to 65 Elements Tested